Friday, December 3, 2010

Where do I find OIDs for the domains I see in RoseTree?

Yeah! I was a little confusing finding OID in generation of the Vocabulary.xml.
So, I wanted to post these lines where I can find those.
Refer to this link for downloading the OIDs.
Download the internal and external OIDs.
You can then notice the SymbolicName matching the VocSet Name from Vocabulary.xml.
Here is a useful link to find out why HL7 did that.
If anyone have information about why are OIDs separated from Vocabulary.xml, you are more than welcome to post in the comments.

HL7 RIM Vocabulary generation and Usage

Hello World!

Below is a simple tool from HL7 folks to generate HL7 Vocabulary for RIM.

RoseTree is a viewer for RIM vocabulary and RIM classes.

Download the RIM Repo here.

You need to load the RIM Access file( .mdb) to the RoseTree application. Then, You can create a Vocabulary.XML.


This has everything you need!

Cheers, Use it in your project.